The dispute are supposed to be the final stop at redeeming a bug decision, so it’s disheartening when the dispute manager doesn’t review the cycle (overview, instructions, bug lists and chat) so they understand the context of the test.
On more than 1 occasion, I have encountered situations where the dispute manager’s response is out of context or irrelevant to the bug. So I would suggest we are able to respond to the dispute manager to review their decision
A recent example involves a cycle where we were given a link to an html to be opened on browser and then sent the same html as email. The aim was to compare the 2 html and report any visual or content issue that differentiates the 2 htmls
Also, in this cycle, each feature was a different client as clarified in the chat and from past experience with the cycle.
So I submitted content bugs for missing phone number links which were present in the html on browser but TL rejected as functional. So another tester and I opened a dispute.
In mine, I made the argument as to why it was content not functional, according to the academy and linked a video of comparing the html on browser with the email clients.
The other tester also argued using academy, why it was a content and then linked the html browser link.
My dispute was rejected as a UX and a duplicate, but the other tester’s own was accepted as a content bug. If my dispute manager had reviewed the cycle they would not reject for such reasons.