Is it possible to have a structured and 100% objective way for giving a bug dispute rejection?
under review
Orukpe “Emmanuel” Iyore
In the past, I have had some of my bug disputes rejected with Bug Dispute Manager giving clear and educative explanations why my dispute was rejected.
However, this was not the case with the latest bug dispute I submitted which got rejected (latest as at the time of this writing). The dispute reply? It was:
The dispute was rejected
I agree with the TL decision here (with both arguments).
+ Can there be a structured way of directly addressing and replying to the questions or concerns of the tester raised in the dispute?
+ Can there be a 100% objective way of reviewing disputes (not subjective or one-liner "agreeing with TL" replies)
A bug dispute is an appeal by an AGRRIEVED tester seeking an UNBIASED bug re-appraisal by a NEUTRAL party. Receiving scanty and subjective replies gives the inkling of a bias.
As a tester, I sometimes spend hours on regression tests and getting bug dispute replies that lack the attributes of a neutral party, will gradually erode confidence in the dispute mechanism. I don't think test IO wants such impression on their bug dispute mechanism.
In my opinion, a bug dispute review by a neutral party should NEVER be subjective, TL-biased or a one-liner approach (an aggrieved tester is like a plaintiff seeking fair arbitration or justice)
It should rather ALWAYS have a way of explaining further the test IO guiding principle that justified the bug rejection.
This is because tester has no where to go for further appeal after dispute is rejected, so please give a fair, objective, unbiased and sufficiently detailed reply and ensure each concern of tester was addressed and directly replied-to.
+ Can a bug dispute form to include 3 fields be included into the dispute request mechanism? (e.g. "Category", "Pain-point", "Request")?
[For the request, first field can be a selectable drop-down. Character count can be limited for the other two fields]
Then Bug dispute managers should not be able to submit their reply until they responded within each request field. This way, dispute managers can focus on tester request and ensure that a COMPREHENSIVE reply is given in a STANDARDIZED format.
There wouldn't have been any need to make this feature request if things were as they were prior to the last dispute reply I received.
Were recent changes, additions (or removals) made to the bug dispute team? I'm wondering because this is the first time I received such a scanty, unhelpful (and unprofessional) reply in a rejected dispute.
I would greatly appreciate if my feature request could be implemented. This would go a long way to boost my confidence and trust in this mechanism
I understand your desire to receive a detailed answer. Sometimes I saw such short responses from dispute managers, but in the comments to the bugs the team leaders described in detail the reasons for the rejection.
Does it make sense for the dispute manager to repeat the reasons for rejecting your dispute, which the team leader has already described?
I think no.
Tetiana Yezerska
under review
Tetiana Yezerska
Merged in a post:
Show the name of the manager who handled the dispute.
There should be no hidden things on the platform, where the same team leader puts a rejection and then wins a dispute on the report that he rejected in advance.
I agree with the team leader's decision. In this way, any valid dispute can be rejected, because I am the king, I do give a damn about anyone, no one will do anything to me. Another stupid rules for test io.
Orukpe “Emmanuel” Iyore
ted: Exactly the way it felt!
You have to understand that disputes are garbage. The person reviewing the dispute may be the team leader who rejected the same report earlier.
ted: No. Dispute managers do not consider disputes if they rejected them as team leaders.