To prevent the page from closing suddenly and causing losses while writing a bug report.
Tetiana Yezerska
Merged in a post:
Save drafts / auto save
I lost complete bug descriptions when my browser crashed or I accidentally closed the tab. Please add the option to save a draft or auto save. If I finished the description I could commit the bug via a "Commit" or "Publish" button
Tetiana Yezerska
Tetiana Yezerska
Hey! Thanks for the suggestion! This problem is shared with developers, will keep you updated on this.
Tetiana Yezerska
under review
Vichapol Chutviriyacharoen
Honestly between your app and mobile web, the latter is so much better and not automatically reloaded the app. bug report took a long time to complete, having to start all over again is a literal night mare.
Tetiana Yezerska
Merged in a post:
The tester should not be able to close the page until he have saved the bug
Александра Яковлева
On the create bug page, the user when he clicks to close the page or return to the previous one should receive a warning that the page contains unsaved data and the user must make a choice to close the page or remain on it and continue creating the bug.
This allows avoiding cases when the tester accidentally presses the button "Close tab" or "Return to the previous page" at the time when it creates a bug. In this case, the tester has to create a bug again. This warning will avoid such occurrences.
ted: This is also a good idea but does not help if the browser crashes.